Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random thoughts in August

This super awesome gem of an orchid lost its
identity at a nursery so they sold it to me for
$20 & it was is full bloom with these gorgeous
4" flowers.
Now it has a great home hanging in the Simson Stopper
tree.  You can see the new orchid additions
mounted to the tree in the background.
As you know I started relocating my orchids
from their pots to the landscape.  I am sure
they will be so much happier & so will I, lol.
The Simpson Stopper, Myrcianthes fragrans, is in full bloom and smells super sweet! This multi-tasking tree is perfect for all Florida gardens. It's a hedge, a screen, shade tree, food & nectar supplier and never asks for much in return.

WOW!! I can't believe my Dragon fruit is blooming
and fruiting like crazy this year, must be all the rain!
This is the inside of the flower, super wild, with lots of
long hair like strands which attract the pollinator's.
Dragon fruit, pitaya, which desperately needs
to be put in the ground.  ok, so put this on this weekends to do list, hurricane pending ;)

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